Headache: Reasons and treatment with herbal remedies

Are you familiar with the causes of headaches and how to treat them using herbal remedies? Over 200 types of headaches have been identified, each with causes, triggers, pain intensity, and duration differences. In the past few decades, experts have examined various methods for prevention, control, and treatment of each of these headaches.

Fortunately, among these, several more common types of headaches are mostly felt on the forehead, around the eyes, or on both sides of the head. Some of them occur randomly and do not require treatment. However, sometimes they are caused by a serious underlying condition and should be given special attention. If you intend to treat headaches using herbal remedies or natural methods, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the types and causes of their occurrence. The most common types of headaches, their symptoms, and methods of control or treatment are mentioned below.


Headaches caused by pressure and stress.

Headaches caused by pressure and stress are one of the most common types of headaches, which can last from 30 minutes to several hours. These headaches are typically felt on both sides of the head (both left and right). Statistics show that:

  • Approximately 70% of men experience headaches caused by recurrent tensions.
  • More than 85% of women have experienced tension headaches.
  • The average age of the first experience of this type of headache in individuals is less than 10 to 12 years old.

The sensation of pain in the right and left sides of the head can be relieved with one or a few hours of rest. The use of herbal teas or herbal remedies can also have a remarkable impact on alleviating the associated problems. However, in rare cases, we may observe its continuation for several days. In such cases, there is a need for increased care in the treatment of the patient. You may have experienced it a few times as well. It is recommended to use calming herbal teas, herbal remedies, and other natural methods such as resting at home in such situations.

Headaches caused by migraines.

Migraine is one of the most common and chronic disorders. Individuals who suffer from migraines may also be sensitive to light or sound. After experiencing migraine attacks, they may also experience tingling sensations in their hands and feet, speech and vision disturbances, and in addition, they may feel nauseous and vomit. The pain resulting from these attacks usually occurs in one area of the head and can last for several hours to several days. Treating migraines as a chronic condition is not easily achievable.

However, preventing and controlling migraine attacks or alleviating them with herbal remedies requires an assessment of the severity of the condition by specialized individuals. A study conducted in the UK shows that more than 70% of individuals suffering from migraines experienced significant improvement after daily consumption of herbal leaf extracts.

According to statistics:

  • Approximately 20 to 30% of women have experienced migraines at least once in their lifetime.
  • The prevalence of migraines in men is less than 10%.
  • More than 60% of migraine attacks are felt on one side of the head.
  • Individuals may start experiencing these types of attacks as early as 7 years old.



High blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure can cause headaches in patients with this chronic condition. The significance of this issue becomes more apparent when you realize that over half of the world’s population has experienced high blood pressure at some point in their lives. The results of a study in the United States indicate that approximately 70% of people in the country experience high blood pressure at different stages of life.

However, out of every 4 patients, only 1 takes care of treating and controlling their blood pressure. That’s why less than 20% of people use natural remedies or chemical medications to lower their blood pressure. The use of herbal remedies is one of the complementary treatments that can significantly reduce blood pressure and the associated headaches. Even in some countries like India and China, specific herbs are used for permanent control of blood pressure.

Sinus headaches

The occurrence of a problem in the sinuses leads to an increase in pressure in the forehead and both sides of the human head. Applying pressure to the forehead or surrounding areas will cause a painful sensation in such cases. Nasal congestion or discharge and coughing are symptoms of sinus problems. Infection, inflammation, viral diseases, and the flu are among the causes of the occurrence and exacerbation of this condition. The treatment of sinus infection and sinusitis in the early stages is possible with the use of a wide range of herbal plants that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, in severe cases, it is advisable to consult with a physician.


Other types of headaches

Unhealthy food consumption, seasonal allergies, chronic diseases, brain tumors, cancer, and many other problems can cause headaches in individuals. Prevention, control, treatment, and pain relief in each of these conditions should be considered based on the patient’s circumstances.

In addition, headaches may be temporary and caused by one of the following:

  • (dehydration headache): Headache caused by dehydration.
  • Headache caused by lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • (alcoholic headache): Headache caused by alcohol consumption.


The best way to treat a headache.

There are many different ways to treat or relieve pain, which are generally divided into two categories:

  • Natural treatment methods
  • Chemical treatments

The selection of one of the chemical treatment methods should be done in consultation with a doctor and taking into account the causes of the disease. However, the criticism leveled at these methods is the negative effects of chemicals on the human body. For this reason, scientists are looking for alternative methods. Fortunately, scientific research and studies conducted in recent years have shown that many herbal remedies contain certain compounds that play an effective role in relieving pain or inflammation in the head area.

Therefore, using them instead of chemical drugs can be a good way to prevent the negative effects of chemical compounds. Natural treatment methods can be used by choosing a healthy lifestyle, adjusting the diet, consuming herbal remedies, or other methods recommended by experts. Here are some herbal remedies that have anti-headache properties:


Ginger root is a very important medicinal plant that has been widely used in Asia to treat many diseases. In Europe and America, the use of fresh ginger or dried ginger powder has also increased in recent decades. There are several benefits to using ginger as one of the treatments for headaches. One of the most important compounds in this substance, called prostaglandin, has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Stress-reducing

This plant can naturally help to lower blood pressure as an ACE inhibitor. Positive effects have also been reported in people with sinus infections with its consumption. In addition, ginger has antiemetic and emetic properties. For this reason, it can be very helpful to people in the treatment of migraines or headaches caused by stress.


Lavender is one of the most important medicinal plants that is widely cultivated in the United States. Some of the most important properties of lavender include:

  • Pain reliever and sedative
  • Mood stabilizer
  • Anti-microbial
  • Stress reliever

Research conducted by experts shows that inhaling the scent of lavender oil can have a significant effect on reducing pain in less than 20 minutes. In addition, you can use the oil of this plant for massage. So, you can use it directly on your forehead or the area of pain.

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Valerian, also known as valerian root, is another important medicinal plant that has been traditionally used in the Middle East. It is one of the most popular medicinal plants used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and neurological problems.

The most important properties of valerian root are:

  • Reduce stress.
  • Treat sleep disorders
  • Reduce anxiety.

Of course, the use of this herb should be used with caution for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Also, in case of migraine, it is important to be careful in taking valerian root with other medications.


Research conducted in the 20th century shows that consuming rosemary can reduce muscle tension. It can also be used in areas of pain to relieve it. Rosemary plant compounds are used in many pharmaceutical products. You can apply the rosemary plant or its extract directly to your forehead or neck to see a reduction in your headache.


Chamomile is another option that can be used to make tea to relieve headaches. This plant has different species, some of which have more medicinal properties. In particular, people with hot temperaments can use chamomile tea. Summer is also a good time to make this tea and enjoy it.

Chamomile And Stress

Echium vulgare

Echium vulgare is a plant that has gained significant attention due to its soothing compounds. It has been extensively studied for its potential to alleviate sleep disorders by impacting the nerves. However, it should be used with caution as excessive consumption may lead to unintended side effects. This plant grows naturally in specific regions.


One of the most important hot beverages consumed worldwide is tea. This substance can help alleviate tiredness and relieve headaches. For this reason, it holds a special place in the diet of many individuals and is prepared and consumed by them several times a day.


Mint, particularly, is highly effective in treating headaches caused by inflammation and infection. The compounds present in this plant have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, they can help combat issues arising from viral and microbial factors.

What is the importance of a healthy diet for treating headaches?

Consumption of fried foods and foods with additives is among the reasons for exacerbating headaches in some patients. Therefore, the use of healthy vegetables and fruits is an important approach recommended by many specialists for treating various types of headaches. This is because healthy foods help strengthen the body’s immune system and alleviate fatigue by providing all the necessary nutrients and vitamins required by the human body. It should be noted that in some cases, the cause of headaches in individuals is improper food intake or a lack of essential compounds needed to maintain health and provide energy to the body. Therefore, pay more attention to improving your diet.

The final recommendation for treating headaches:

Headaches can occur in different parts of the head, such as the left or right side, around the eyes, forehead, or back of the head. It is crucial to identify the location of the pain and the underlying cause before treating pain in various areas of the head. We have briefly discussed different types of headaches, including tension headaches, sinus headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure, along with their symptoms.

We have also mentioned several medicinal plants that can help treat patients. Familiarizing yourself with various medicinal plants and their properties can help you choose the best treatment for headaches and associated problems. It is also important to improve your dietary habits by consuming healthy foods and fluids to strengthen your immune system and fight against disease-causing factors that contribute to many headaches.

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