Infection: Effective plants for infection

If you have a preference for herbal remedies over chemical drugs for different reasons, it is crucial to understand their proper usage and appropriate dosage for treating various ailments. To enhance your knowledge about effective plants for infections and their healing properties, continue following the Plants Folder. This post will provide you with a summary of scientific research conducted in the fields of botany and traditional medicine.

The antiseptic and antibiotic properties of 6 medicinal plants and their derived compounds will help many patients recover faster by topical application or consumption in their diet. The use of antibiotic compounds has a history of several thousand years. Humans have used these substances for centuries to treat wound infections or various diseases since ancient Egypt. Today, a group of the main antibiotics that are sold in pharmacies to combat infection are also of natural origin. In this text, an attempt has been made to refer to plants and natural products with antibiotic properties and their effects on the treatment of infectious diseases.

Antiseptic plants and natural compounds

A study in 2014 showed that the use of medicinal plants can be as beneficial as chemical antibiotics for the treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Antiseptics and antibiotics fight bacteria and microbial agents in several ways. These include:

Out of about 60 medicinal plants that were evaluated in a test in China, about 23 species of them had antibacterial properties. This study shows that many plants can be used as antibiotics to fight infection. The following is a brief introduction to some antiseptic plants and natural compounds (which are found in many homes)


Garlic and infection

One of the most well-known plants used to fight infection is garlic. The extract obtained from this plant can kill many bacteria. Garlic can be used directly or in conjunction with many foods. For example, you can put garlic in olive oil and use it topically to fight skin infections.

Oral consumption

Consuming too much garlic orally can cause internal bleeding. Of course, many people consume it in the usual amount. However, in case of acute infection, it is better to choose the dosage after consulting a doctor.

Drug interaction

If you are taking blood thinners, it is better to consult a doctor before consuming garlic in high doses. Because garlic will increase the effect of these drugs.

Topical consumption

Consuming garlic (or its extract) topically will not cause any problems for patients.

Myrrh gum

The extract of myrrh gum is one of the natural compounds that can eliminate many infections and types of pus. The result of a study in 2000 showed that the gum extract has antibiotic properties and will be able to destroy several pathogens.

For example, E. coli (which is known as a pathogen and one of the causes of chronic digestive disease), will be eliminated with the use of this extract.

Side effects

Oral consumption of this substance can cause diarrhea. However, topical use of it to eliminate infection does not have any problems.


Thyme or its extract is widely used in many parts of the world as a natural product with antiseptic properties. Especially bacteria that have become resistant to chemical antibiotics will be eliminated with the use of this compound. In a scientific study conducted in 2011, it was found that the natural oil extracted from thyme was more effective than lavender oil in combating more than 100 different species of bacteria.

How to use

Thyme can be consumed as a tea or with food in the diet. There is also the possibility of using thyme or its dried powder on the skin. Thyme essential oil is not available to everyone. However, it must be used topically to fight external infection. It is necessary to dilute this plant oil with olive oil or coconut oil and consume it as directed.


A review of the compounds present in mint has shown that a compound called Carvacrol is present in it. This substance has excellent therapeutic properties and will help to accelerate the healing process of patients. For example, this medicinal plant can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Fungal infection

How to use

It is possible to consume pennyroyal in the diet of patients. But if you intend to use mint to treat infectious diseases such as skin infections or wounds, you can combine this plant with olive oil or coconut oil to allow topical use on the affected area.


Lemon juice is one of the natural products that can have very strong antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Many people have access to lemons or natural lemonade at home or in their place of residence. For this reason, they can easily use it because of its antiseptic properties.

How to use

Oral consumption of lemon juice is possible with various foods. However, topical use on the skin or wound may be accompanied by side effects such as pain or burning.


Excessive consumption of lemons or lemon juice due to its acidity may cause problems for the digestive system (or the location of its use on the skin). For this reason, it is recommended to use it with other natural substances and as an auxiliary drug to reduce infection.

Natural vinegar

It is possible to produce various vinegars from plants and fruits. You can make natural vinegar using the following raw materials:

Natural vinegar is beneficial for fighting microbial agents and bacteria due to its acidic environment and antiseptic properties. However, it may have problems such as side effects of using lemons or lemon juice. For this reason, its use in the diet should be in the recommended amount (or after diluting with water and with other medicinal plants) to increase its effectiveness.


In this text, several plants and natural substances that are useful for fighting infection (due to their antibiotic properties in combating microbial agents) were mentioned. It is necessary to mention that honey is another natural compound that is produced after feeding worker bees from plants. This natural substance has a compound called hydrogen peroxide. For this reason, you can use it with thyme, garlic, mint, vinegar, and lemon juice to treat infection.

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