Stress: Statistics, Symptoms, Problems, and Treatment

Numerous studies have been conducted in the years 2018 to 2022 to investigate the symptoms, management, control, and prevention of stress. More than 50% of people in the United States and Europe experience multiple problems throughout their lives due to stress. Statistics show that people in Asia and countries like Turkey and Iran also experience similar conditions.


Causes of Stress

The reasons for stress in young people, middle-aged people, and the elderly are different, but the symptoms and problems are the same due to the disruption of the normal course of life. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a special guideline for stress management in individuals.

WHO Guidelines for Stress Management

The WHO guidelines can help individuals develop the skills they need to cope with stress. It is enough to dedicate a few minutes of your time each day to learning these skills. Of course, you can also use herbal remedies to relieve some of the symptoms and problems of stress.

International Statistics on Stress

Stress in the United States

According to a survey, about 57% of people in the United States experience serious disruption to their normal lives after experiencing stress. Over 60% of workers in this country change jobs due to stress. Interestingly, over 90% of workers in the United States have reported experiencing stress at work at least once a year.

Stress in Europe

According to a study conducted in the United Kingdom in 2018, of over 40,000 people, about 74% of them had experienced severe stress during the year. Although there is no accurate and comprehensive information available to us about the statistics in the country, stress is a common problem in Iran, like many other countries in the world.

What is Stress?

There have been many different definitions of stress proposed. However, according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), stress is a natural response to the problems and challenges of life that puts us in a certain condition to solve these challenges. These problems can be one of the following:


  • Lack of beauty
  • Emotional failure
  • Debt or liability
  • Lack of fitness
  • Not having a house
  • Work problems
  • Not having a car

Everyone experiences a certain level of stress throughout their lives. But each of them chooses a different way to deal with it.

What do people do after experiencing stress?

The statistics in connection with people’s reactions (published in research conducted in the years 2010 to 2020) have provided us with more details. Among them, the results of a new study are listed below:

  • More than 45% of people feel sick after experiencing stress.
  • 29% of people in the UK drink more alcohol when stressed.
  • 16% of people smoke in these conditions.

Another point is that the percentage of people suffering from stress is higher in some age groups (especially the youth and elderly). Also, from a gender perspective, women are more likely to suffer from stress.

Is the severity of stress the same for everyone?

No. The severity and duration of stress vary for each individual. New research up to 2022 shows that:

  • 61% of people feel anxious when stressed.
  • About 50% will feel depressed.
  • About 10% of people have hurt themselves in these conditions.
  • Even in Europe, more than 20% of people have thought about suicide when stressed, and more than 30% of them feel lonely in these conditions.

Why do people get stressed?

Life problems (financial, economic, physical, …) are among the most important reasons why people of all ages from adolescents (especially from 18 years old onwards) to old age suffer from stress. The reason and impact of age, gender, and living conditions on the incidence of stress are stated below:

The reason for stress in more than 30% of women in Europe is due to fear of lack of fitness, beauty problems, flaws in facial makeup, etc. In more than 40% of people over 54 years old, stress is due to their illness or that of family members (such as a spouse). Debt and liability are the reason for stress for about 20% of European citizens.

In 10% of cases, stress is temporary and related to work, family, emotional, or romantic relationships. Young people between 18 and 25 years old are more likely to suffer from stress due to comparing themselves to others. About 50% of young people between 18 and 35 years old are stressed about not achieving success.

Why is stress management and level important?

Stress has many negative effects on both mental and physical health. Of course, if people’s stress levels are low, it can motivate them to do their daily activities and overcome the challenges of life. For example, if someone has debt and is stressed about it, they may be motivated to act to pay off their debt. But if stress levels go beyond a certain point, it can disrupt people’s lives. It can even lead a person to quit their job or hurt themselves.

How can I overcome stress?

Several methods have been suggested for overcoming daily stress. For example, sleep is one way that can restore your energy to your body. Experts recommend that the sleeping environment be dark and quiet in these conditions.

You should avoid eating alcohol, coffee, or caffeine-containing substances (especially before bed). Heavy foods can also aggravate your symptoms. Using herbal remedies is another way to increase relaxation, and relieve anxiety, and insomnia. Regular exercise and connecting with others will also have an impact in helping to strengthen your physical and mental health.

Chamomile and Stress

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